Spreadsheets Weren’t Meant to be Databases

Show of hands, how many of you have built an excel sheet and used it to store information? Probably everyone, right? When you’re tracking your weight loss progress or tracking your stock holdings, it’s not a bad idea. The problem is when you start tracking things like businesses, contacts at those businesses, sales you’ve made, …

How to get Data Off Your Company’s Excel Forms (Part One)

“Hey Brian, can you work up a sales summary for the past year?” Sure I can, let’s take a look a the records, and….. oh. So there’s no database? Just a folder full of these custom, manually filled out forms like this? Well, we can do this. You owe me a beer though. So we’re …

Determining if an opportunity is likely to close

The sales funnel describes a process where opportunities are generated, followed up on, and closed. Everything a sales team does relates in some way to generating leads, uncovering opportunities for those leads, and then closing those opportunities. As any sales rep knows, a lot of time is spent on opportunities that will never close. Wouldn’t …

Stocks Relation Employee Headcount

During my first semester in grad school, I was working an inside sales job at an advertising agency that specialized in advertising job openings. One question that popped into my head while I was eating lunch was, “When companies are hiring more people, does that mean they are performing better? If it does, does will …